Executive Board 2024/2025
President : Cathleen Wiggs
Past President: Kathie Denson
Sr. Program: Lorna Folmar
Co-Jr. Program: Kathy Rosenheck
Treasurer: Terri House
Secretary: Anne Geer
Membership: Penny Correll
Committee Heads
Consortium Delegates: Dori Fulk
Communication: Elissa Yost
Facebook Page (private): Kathy Denson & Pat Mosher
Historian: Pauline Granger
Hospitality: Marcy Coggins
Library Quilt Exhibit: Patricia Buttolph
Newsletter Editor: Elissa Yost
Photographer: Elissa Yost
Program Registrar: Lorraine Wieziolowski
Quilt Show 2025 Dori Fulk & Liz Walton
Scholarships: Judy Pruyne
Social Secretary: Sheila Mills
Website: Elissa Yost
Executive Board Meetings:
Board meetings are held on the first Monday of every odd month, at the Horseheads Library. We are scheduled to meet September, November, January, March, May and try to avoid meeting in the summer.
As always, all guild members are welcome to attend these meetings, bring your lunch and some coffee.